ICAA Winter Intensive
We sent two of our architectural designers, Austin Bewley and Rebecca Eaton, to New York City for an eight day ICAA Intensive Program to learn more about the elements of classical architecture.

While there, our designers devoted their time to studio work, lectures, guided tours and visits to the best that NYC has to offer. They enjoyed all of the activities, but were anxious to come home and be able to give their hands and fingers a break after hand sketching for so many hours each day! After a rerouted flight to Houston due to the severe storms in Dallas, they were back to work, sketchbooks in-hand and excited to share what they learned.
We have attached a few pages from their sketchbooks for your enjoyment.

In addition to sketching, our designers also learned the techniques to create a Beaux-arts wash rendering. Using a Tuscan capital as an example, they were able to develop a better understanding of the qualities and characteristics of light, shade, shadow and reflected light.
We are thankful for programs like the ICAA for constantly encouraging the next generation to look to the past for inspiration. For more information on how you can support the ICAA or attend any of their upcoming events simply click here.